Revolution Populi
3 min readJan 15, 2021


Core Tech Stack would allow any Matic DApp Developer to use the RevPop Database

This morning, Revolution Populi is proud to announce that it has entered into an integration arrangement with Matic Network, the fastest-growing layer-2 for Decentralized Application (DApp) adoption.

Matic’s platform would plug into the RevPop layer-1 decentralized database with user-controls; the core code was released open source on GitHub late last year ̶ creating a foundational tech stack that would allow any Matic DApp developer to use the RevPop database.

“This integration is a perfect reflection of how we as a society can win the war against Big Tech,” said Rob Rosenthal, CEO RevPop “It’s not one app that destroys Facebook — it’s many apps, where the user is in control and where all their data is portable between the apps. We’re thrilled to be aligned with the Matic team, who have the guts and vision to see the future.”

With 80+ DApps building on their network already, Matic Network is one of the most widely adopted DApp platforms in the industry. As part of this arrangement, Matic and RevPop will look to work together to provide the integration protocols for any Matic DApp to use the RevPop layer-1.

“This is a win for both ecosystems, and we’re excited about the road ahead,” said Sandeep Nailwal, Co-founder and COO of Matic Network. “This will allow developers everywhere to reach into, and contribute to, the RevPop layer-1 database and be a part of an ecosystem designed to return data control back to users. Users are hungry for this kind of self-sovereignty.”

About Matic Network

Matic Network is a decentralized scalability platform solution using an adapted version of the Plasma framework that empowers DApps with the high-speed and extremely low-cost transactions required to achieve mass adoption. With 80+ DApps building on their network already, Matic Network is one of the most widely adopted DApp platforms in the industry.

Currently enabled for the Ethereum blockchain, and now expanding into other layer-1s, the Matic Network blockchain achieves finality using PoS checkpoints which are pushed to the Ethereum mainchain. This enables a single Matic sidechain to theoretically achieve 65,535 transactions per block, and possibly millions of transactions on multiple chains in the future.

About Revolution Populi

In its mission to return digital power to the people (and their money), Revolution Populi released layer-1 blockchain core code via open source, on GitHub, in late 2019. As part of this project, RevPop will harness a publicly-run decentralized layer-1 blockchain database (DAO) as a foundation for two areas of development: 1) A social net framework where a multitude of social nets can grow like flowers, and all the data is portable between them, and 2) A new clearinghouse for cryptocurrencies.

