We’re thrilled to announce an integration arrangement with Chainlink, which can provide secure smart contract transactions for a decentralized digital ecosystem and platform for social networks

Over the past year, Revolution Populi has been quietly putting the pieces together to challenge the likes of Facebook, Twitter, and others in Big Tech who have come to capture the internet, and control our sovereign property, our data.
Chainlink’s infrastructure can allow any app to safely and securely — with scale and speed — attach itself to the decentralized, public database, one that is neither owned nor controlled by any entity or person and is modeled on tenets of democracy, where the people own, control and sell their data as they see fit.
Revolution Populi synthesizes the visions of Dr. Gelernter of Yale University, a renowned futurist and seminal figure in the history of distributed computing, and Rob Rosenthal, a 19-year veteran of Goldman Sachs, who now leads the project.
We’re excited to bring the world a next-generation blockchain and decentralized social media core where users control, protect, and sell their personal data as they see fit.
About Chainlink
Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that helps resolve connectivity issues with smart contracts, enabling users to build blockchain-based smart contracts that securely access off-chain data feeds, web APIs, and traditional bank payments. By doing so, Chainlink transforms the role that smart contracts can play in a vast number of sectors, including financial services, insurance, and supply chain. Chainlink provides highly secure and reliable oracles to large enterprises (Google, Oracle, and SWIFT) and leading smart contract development teams such as Polkadot/Substrate, Synthetix, Loopring, Aave, OpenLaw, Conflux, and many others. Learn more by visiting the Chainlink website or follow us on Twitter or Reddit.
About Revolution Populi
Revolution Populi is establishing a secure and reliable end-to-end, roundtrip digital ecosystem relying upon a decentralized blockchain based database and data structure, for the purpose of returning data sovereignty and data ownership and control back to the people to whom it belongs. Learn more by visiting the Revolution Populi website or follow on Twitter.